Praised be Jesus Christ! I hope this communication finds you well and filled with the grace of our Lord. It is with great joy and enthusiasm that I write to you today to share a proposal for a new name for our beloved pastorate. Potential Name for our Parish After careful consideration and prayerful reflection, we are suggesting the name "St. Joseph the Worker Parish". St. Joseph is a powerful patron for many reasons. For his faith and obedience to God; for his unwavering dedication as husband of Mary and foster father of Jesus; for his protection of the Holy Family; for his model of virtue; as universal patron of the Church, and so much more. A Carpenter Tradition and popular devotion have often portrayed Jesus and Joseph as carpenters, working together, sharing both workshop and tools while building chairs, stools, and tables. In the scriptures the word the Gospels use is “carpenter.” But it can also be translated artisans, craftsmen, and woodworkers, stonemasons, builders, construction workers, or even to those who excel in their trade and are able to teach others. All of it to say Joseph was a laborer. Dignity in Labor The devotion to St. Joseph as a worker dates back to the Middle Ages, when Catholic theologians and writers began to emphasize the role of St. Joseph as a model of humility, hard work, and dedication. However, Pope Pius XII, in 1955 instituted May 1st as the liturgical celebration of St. Joseph the Worker to coincide with International Workers’ Day, a day dedicated to the secular celebration of labor and workers’ rights. The Holy Father recognized the misplaced role of work in society at the time and believed there was a growing threat of communist and socialist ideals against the dignity of workers and family life. Here are some reasons why "St. Joseph the Worker" would be a fitting name for our parish: Exemplifies Hard Work and Dedication-Go Make Disciples The realigning of our parishes is not for the sake of realignment, but is to challenge us on what a parish is meant to do. Go Make Disciples is about equipping us for mission. At the heart of the New Evangelization Pope Benedict says is 1) Conversion, 2) The Kingdom of God, 3) Jesus Christ and 4) Eternal Life. St. Joseph is a model of faith that draws us to conversion though his faithful and focused response to God’s call in his life. He proclaimed the Kingdom of God through the authentic witness of his life. After Mary, Joseph was the closest to Christ. And finally, our ultimate goal is Eternal Life and St. Joseph knew this. St. Joseph the Worker Parish is a name that will inspire and form us for mission, reminding and guiding us in our primary task, to Go Make Disciples. Embraces Family St. Joseph's embrace of family is demonstrated through his acceptance of God's plan, his protective role, his provision and work, his example as a father, his educational role, his steadfast presence, and his model of humility. St. Joseph models what strong family bonds look like and thus can be a powerful patron as we come together as a parish family and even for our personal families. Physically there are three churches in our pastorate, with three members of the Holy Family. Even more, one church is named after Christ and one after Mary. The Feast of St. Patrick is March 17, and two days later is the Solemnity of St. Joseph, March 19th. So all of this lends itself to a name choice that reflects the Holy Family, our emphasis on strong family bonds, and a sense of community. Process To recap, we have presented Archangels Parish, Holy Cross Parish, and now St. Joseph the Worker Parish. In the two weeks to come, we will present two more potential names of our new parish, with an opportunity for your participation in ranking and feedback. After that we will present, by Ash Wednesday, three names to Bishop Hying for his consideration and ultimate selection. Thank you for your discernment of this new parish name. Please visit this link and see this video for further reflection on the St. Joseph the Worker. Let us join in prayer, seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and may St. Joseph the Worker intercede for us as we consider this important step for our parish. Watch for an e-note and the bulletin next weekend for information regarding the fourth potential name of “Transfiguration Parish.” Fr. Chad M. Droessler |
Thank You!
The Knights of Columbus Council 7775 would like to thank everyone who braved the cold and attended their pancake breakfast benefitting the Cottage Grove Food Pantry. The total donations from our generous pastorate for the breakfast was $900.
SVdP Recycle the Warmth Blanket Drive
IHM and CTK Conferences of SVdP are participating in the 32nd annual Recycle the Warmth Blanket Drive. Donate new and gently used blankets, bedding and sheets at IHM Church, CTK Church or St. Patrick Church in the gathering space/social hall or any St. Vinny’s Thrift Store during the weekend of January 26 - 28. More details here.
Benefit Silent Auction
The silent auction is open for bidding and will remain open until 8pm on Jan. 26! Silent Retreat Tom Sandine, a parishioner of Pastorate 26, is organizing a group of men who will be visiting New Melleray Abbey in Peosta, IA for a silent retreat the week of Feb. 12. New Melleray is a community of Catholic Monks, belonging to the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance, commonly known as Trappists. This silent retreat will be a unique and powerful means to enter into your Lenten Journey. A limited number of single rooms are available. Customary free-will offering of $80/night. Contact Tom for details.
IHM School Enrollment
It is enrollment time at IHM School (3K - 8th grade) for the 2024-25 school year. Priority Application for NEW students who are parishioners of Pastorate 26 or siblings of current students runs through Feb. 7. After Feb. 7, enrollment will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Begin enrollment by filling out this form and come to our School Open House on Jan. 28, 11:30am-1pm.
Overnight Eucharistic Adoration
There are several time slots available to adore the Lord at IHM Church. Sign up here. 8pm Jan 31 - 8am Feb 1.
Adoration at IHM
The Sisters of Mary Morning Star will be on retreat Feb. 1-9. Therefore, IHM will host adoration in the Baptistery Chapel, 6am-8pm: Mon-Fri.
Private Duty Nurse Needed
A parishioner family is looking to hire a RN or LPN for their son for day and night shifts. Non-vent & non-trach case in Deerfield. If interested in applying, please email.
Catholic Herald Subscription It's time to renew your Catholic Herald newspaper. The cost is $23/year. Renew online here or there are forms in the back of church. |
Registration is OPEN for current 6th-12th graders in Pastorate 26! LBH provides youth with an opportunity to encounter Jesus through a mission trip where they serve together at one common host site in our diocese.
High School (current Gr 9-12):
Wisconsin Dells 6/9-6/14 Middle School (current Gr 6-8): Beloit 6/17-6/20 For scholarship info, please email [email protected] before registering. If you're a faith-filled adult over 25 years old and interested in chaperoning, please email. |
Lay Witness Night
Jan. 24 in IHM Marian Hall at 6pm. Our speakers will be Eric and Joanie Ciula. The Ciula's have been parishioners at St. Patrick for a while & have a great story of God's healing power and transforming love to share.
Luke House - January
The churches within our pastorate prepare and serve meals at the Luke House. Food donations and volunteers to serve the food are needed. Click for details: IHM: Jan 24, CTK: Jan. 29.
Annual Benefit Dinner + Dance
Jan. 26 at Barnwood Events WI. The silent auction is open for bidding and will remain open until 8pm on Jan. 26!
Is your marriage tearing you apart? Find help through Retrouvaille, (ret-tro-vi), where husbands and wives are helped to re-discover each other. There is hope and grace. Madison’s upcoming program is Jan. 26-28 at the Green Lake Conference Center. Visit here for more info.
Euchre Night at CTK
Christ the King Men’s Club is hosting a Euchre Night on Jan. 28. Gather at 6:30pm, play 7pm - 9pm. Open to all adults, couples and singles welcome. $5/person.
IHM School Open House
Jan. 28, 11:30am-1pm to see our school, meet school families and staff, and ask your questions.
Pancake Breakfast at CTK
Christ the King Men’s Club is hosting an all you can eat pancake and sausage breakfast on Feb. 11, 8am-12pm. Details here.
Fish Fries
IHM: February 16, March 1 & 15 Dine In: 5-7:30pm & Carry Out: 4:30-7pm St. Patrick: February 23 & March 22 Dine In & Carry Out: 4:30-7pm
Women's Retreat to Holy Hill
Women of Pastorate 26 are you desiring to grow in holiness? Do you desire to have more time with God? You are invited to a Silent Retreat at Holy Hill, March 14-16. Space is limited! Click for details and to sign up before Feb. 15. Questions: call Patti Schmelzer at 608-334-0968.
Iconography Workshop
Master Iconographer Drazen Dupor of Madison will guide participants through a step-by-step process of painting the icon of the Scared Heart of Mary. No experience required. Feb 16-18, register here.
Christian Experience Weekend (CEW)
CEW is an opportunity to leave your busy world behind for a couple of days to reflect on your relationship with God and others. Women's weekend: Feb. 16-18, Men's weekend: March 1-3. Details here.
Healing from Abortion
Whether recent or many years ago, Rachel’s Vineyard retreats offer hope and peace for anyone, women or men who have struggled with the emotional or spiritual pain after abortion. Upcoming retreat: March 15-17. Confidential and private. Contact Mary at 608-821-3177, or [email protected] or visit their website. |
Mass Intentions
Monday Jan 22
7:30am-STP: † Rosemary (Coyle) Ament Tuesday Jan 23 7:30am-CTK: Living & deceased members of the Pfeifer Family 8:30am-IHM: † Barry Mead Wednesday Jan 24 7:30am-STP: † Jackie Robinson 8:30am-IHM: † Florence Becwar Thursday Jan 25 7:30am-CTK: Living & deceased members of the Rausch Family 8:30am-IHM: † Ron Shimek Friday Jan 26 7:30am-STP: Living & deceased members of the Polacek Family 8:30am-IHM: Intention designated by Celebrant Saturday Jan 27 9am-IHM: Intention designated by Celebrant 4pm-STP: People of Pastorate 26 5pm-CTK: † Peter Smith Sunday Jan 28 7:30am-IHM: Intention designated by Celebrant 9am-STP: † John Polzin 9am-CTK: † Merl VanderHeinden 10:30am-IHM: † Carol Henning |